
Build a best-in-class part buying experience for Retail or Trade

Built by Partly


Build a best-in-class part buying experience for Retail or Trade

  • Search by license plate, VIN, or dynamic vehicle property search
  • OEM cross-reference search
  • Fastest part buying experience online - sub 50 millisecond response times
  • Easily toggle between multiple vehicles in your garage
  • Customisable job-based UX
  • Product page fitment checker and shop what fits redirect
  • Dynamic filtering of categories, brands and attributes
  • Customisable out of the box components - no coding required!

  • Increase conversion rates, average order value and returning customer rate
  • Reduce return rates and customer service tickets
  • Avoid time consuming and costly data management by leveraging Partly PIM to manage catalogue data in a central source of truth
How it works

Shopify's tagging system is useful if you're selling simple products, but trying to make it work with the complexity of automotive parts in most cases just isn't possible.

Partly's Shopify integration gives you a best-in-class platform to help your buyers find the right parts to get the job done, first time. By connecting your Shopify store to Partly PIM, you can instantly leverage your catalogue data to make it easy for your buyers to find the right parts.


  • Home page: Drag and drop one of Partly's vehicle selector components on to your homepage utilising Shopify's no-code template editor to enable manual vehicle lookup, VIN search or license plate search*
  • Collection page: Add Partly's search listings component to one or more of your collections pages, and choose the behaviour you want from each element.
  • Fitment checker: Add Partly's fitment check component to your product page to give customers the confidence to buy. Select and add additional Partly components you want to leverage, like Cross-References, Attributes, Part Information and a dynamic vehicle table.
  • Federated Search: Use Partly's search listings component on your search page to combine unstructured search inputs with structured results.
  • Custom components: Have a use-case we don't have a component for yet? Let us know! If we can support we'll either build it, or give you the tools to build it yourself using our infrastructure.


  • Integrate Shopify with Partly PIM for instant two way product syncing
  • Manage your catalogue, inherit brand information directly from suppliers or use the PIM to build out your own catalogue data.
  • Choose Primary Mode to make Partly PIM your source of truth for product info, pricing and stock levels, or Replica Mode to maintin your existing source of truth and only use Partly PIM for part information (Fitment, cross-references, attributes, category tree)

*Available in select countries


We will provide consultation on whether a Shopify Integration will suit your needs and provide guidance on the best way to proceed. We will guide you through the set up process and depending on the level